
Some of my favourite projects.

Visual Portfolio, Posts & Image Gallery for WordPress

Explore the world with M1

Explore the world of M1 and win prizes. One of my last Flash based ads which allowed for very 3D like animation on the M1 homepage. RIP Flash. Click on the thumbnail above to view the ad. (Flash)

Fibresure Hi Fibre Anything

We created an integrated viral campaign for P&G in Australia to change consumer mindset about the product, with videos, social and online activations. Relying only on organic user traffic, the site was very well received in Australia and the Asia Pacific region. Gold at the Digital Media Awards 2009. Silver at Asia Interactive Awards 2010. Click on the thumbnail above to view the case study

Triumph GSS Interactive Catalog

We create an interactive ad unit from the original print version. This ad unit brought the content to life, and enabled the tracking of the user journey through multiple pages, thus creating more opportunities for re-targetting. Click on the thumbnail above to view the ad.

Garnier Roll With It

We followed the blogger Shylara around for the day and showed how ‘Garnier Roll With It’ helped her to look her best. Uilizing nano and micro influencers, as well as forums and social helped to get the word out on this product. ‘Garnier Roll With It’ sold out locally within a couple of weeks. Click on the thumbnail above to view the case study

SGRawr 2023 National Day Campaign

The final music video! Co-created by Singaporeans! The SGRAWR campaign is an activation for Singaporeans to compose lines in a pre-composed rap, expressing their creativity and crafting a shared identity of what is uniquely Singapore. This campaign received over 1000 entries! Click on the thumbnail above to view the final music video!

SingTel Red Rewards

Rewards are bigger when they are red! SingTel revamped their rewards program with bigger rewards for existing users. We added a social element where you can ask for and give your reward points to your friends, or group together to win even bigger rewards.